Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Why are relics so precious?
Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Relics are so precious because they are the result of realisations gained by the holy beings from developing their minds on the spiritual path over countless lifetimes.
For example, Lord Buddha’s relics: how did they come about?
Buddha collected merit over three countless great aeons. Of the six perfections of the bodhisattva, the first is making charity.When Lord Buddha was born as a king he gave up his belongings, as well as the kingship, his daughter and son, his entire family. He even gave up his own life numberless times: he gave his body to a tiger; he gave his limbs, his eyes. But look at us – it is so difficult for us to give anything at all.
Next there is the perfection of morality. For us to keep one vow for even one month is so difficult. Lord Buddha kept all the vows, not just for one lifetime but for three countless great aeons.
Then there are the perfections of patience and perseverance. For sentient beings to suffer was so unbearable, so Lord Buddha practised perseverance. He was happy to suffer in a hell realm for aeons equal to the number of atoms so that others wouldn’t. He was extremely happy to do that from his own side.
Buddha completed the two types of merit – of wisdom and compassion – and achieved full enlightenment. He revealed the Dharma to us sentient beings. He passed away into the sorrowless state in order to teach us about impermanence and death. He did all this so that we would develop our minds, that we would not sleep in ignorance and darkness but instead follow the path to liberation and enlightenment.
It’s the same for all the yogis and other lamas since the time of the Buddha. They too created merit for countless lifetimes by practising morality, dedicating the merits to receive higher rebirths so that they could develop in the spiritual path from life to life for many hundreds of lifetimes.
In the past, people could see Buddha directly, make offerings to him, receive teachings from him. But sentient beings since then do not have the merit to see him; we only have the merit to see his relics.
When you understand that a relic is the product of realisations over countless lifetimes, you can easily arise devotion. People are deeply moved when they come in contact with the relics; there are so many stories.

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Relics of Maudgalyayana, c.486 BCE